www.FortBoyard.info - Welcome |
Here you can read about the wonderful gameshow Fort Boyard. If there's anything you ever wanted to know, then feel free to click around and learn more about the history of the fort, about the brilliant TV-show, about the soundtracks, about the PC-games, etc.
There's also a community-board, where you can register and exchange your ideas with other Fort Boyard fans...
If you have any ideas or comments about my webpage, please feel free to tell me your ideas. Simply use my feedback-form.
BIG NOTE: If you have any shows of Fort Boyard taped on video-cassette, please contact me!
Important notice:
NEVER trust this following guy. He says, that he's a big Fort Boyard Fan, but if you want to trade with him he takes your money and never answers you again. So, be careful about this guy:
Shashkova Jack, 480036 Almaty City, M-on 10 "A", 7 house, 14 flat. |
Under Construction: I'm currently working on improving my Fort Boyard webpage. I will add new info from time to time and I hope to restore the old content as soon as possible.